Sunday, 13 November 2011

Well Woman Morning Plymouth for all women needing some stress busting and tips for surviving Christmas!

Monday, 19 September 2011

Trying out updating social media in one place, anyone see any problems with this?

World Reflexology Week

It's World Reflexology Week,so a great time to try some reflexology somewhere. is one of the accrediting bodies for Reflexology and here you can do a search for a Reflexologist near you.  Many therapists are offering taster sessions so don't miss out!  Those of you that have already had Reflexology you'll be remembering how wonderful it feels to relax back, take deep, calming breaths and experience that fabulous sensation of your feet being gently massaged.

In and around Plymouth? for taster sessions at only £10!

Friday, 26 August 2011

Where does all the time go...?


Hope everyone is managing to get out in that sunshine and to duck and dive from the rain too!

It's been a busy summer at WiserHealth.  We launched the new WiserHealth Well Being Scheme for Plymouth hoteliers and guest house owners in mid August and it went down well.  We are now trying to build up that side of the business hoping to treat visitors to Plymouth with our wonderful therapies.  I also gave a speech at Armada Speakers, the Plymouth public speaking group  with the above title.  It too went down well with many people coming up to me afterwards and saying it really clarified things for them as they hadn't know anything about complementary therapy before.

I'm still looking to continue with the Plympton Well Being Club but need to find a venue that is big enough to hold a larger class to try to make the club more sustainable.  I'll be researching this more in September so unfortunately for now the classes will stop but I'll keep you informed as things develop.  In the meantime I'm hoping that we can give each other some on line support.  So here's a question for you.  How do you manage to deal with feeling guilty about things you don't manage to do for your extended family?  It must happen to all of us that we just run out of time, even for the people we love.  Also it's more complicated because family relationships are not always that straightforward!  Finding our way through the 'should haves' and 'you should haves' as well as the 'he saids and she saids'! is doubly diffiuclt.  Any help out there?

Best wishes


Sunday, 24 July 2011

Do Complementary Therapies like Reflexology really work?

This is the theme for the talk I'll be giving at Armada Speakers on 26th July.  Of course as a Reflexology for around the last 15 years I'm bound to say yes, but I'll be trying to convince probably a few 'nay sayers' so what would you say to persuade them?

I'll be offering taster sessions at Harewood House on 30th July so do come and try this wonderful therapy.  More details on the web site at

Have a good summer everyone, the Well Being Club will be in action again in September.

Best wishes

Janet Wise

Monday, 4 July 2011

Our Perfect Days

At the Well Being Club on Wednesday we all shared our idea of a Perfect day this is how mine looked:

am  Get up really early and see the sun rise on a cliff top somewhere.  Go to have a hearty breakfast and then spend the rest of the morning chilling out reading , walking etc.

Lunch Spent with good friends, laughing and putting the world to rights, while our children chill out together.

pm  Relaxing in a warm garden more reading.

Evening meal,  Either a meal prepared by the whole family and shared or an Indian Take Away! 

pm  Children to bed early enough for us to relax and forget about the day ahead because it's a holiday no deadlines or school to worry about!!

I'd be really interested to know yours.

The Plympton Well Being Club will meet for the last time this term on Wednesday 13th July, discussing Positive Thinking and our usual movement to music and relaxation.

Hope to see you there.

Best wishes

Janet Wise

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Well Being Club 29th June Harewood House Plympton

Hi everyone,

What a busy month it's been.  It's great running your own business as it's very flexible and interesting the only downside is the lack of a wage slip at the end of the month!  Generating enough work to sustain the business is hard work but then everyone has to work hard these days to make ends meet so it's good that we've got the Well being club to chill out and relax.  This month we're catching up on Work/Life Balance and we have our usual relaxation and gentle exercise.  I know I've been promising a different routine to move to but hey Adele is a great singer and what's wrong with doing 'Rolling in the Deep' again, just means we'll be really good at it.  A question to ponder before the next class and for all those unable to join us:  What would be your perfect day? I'll give you a chance to respond then post mine.  The class will be at Harewood House 10.15 - 11.45 £5 per person, look forward to seeing you there.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Managing Work Life Balance

Our Well Being Club meets again on 25th May, 10.15 - 11.45 and this month we're looking at Work Life Balance.  How do we manage to balance our work commitments with the things we really want to do!  I guess the first stage is to be aware of what we really want to be doing!  Setting priorities is always a good idea.  When we know what's important to us we can aim to make sure it happens.  Is it really as easy as this?  Well life does have a tendancy to get in the way!  Please join us for these discussions and our usual practise of relaxation and gentle exercise to music.

Best wishes Janet

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Managing our stress - tips from the Well Being CLub

Hi,  We had another really good meeting of the Well Being Club with lots of good ideas!  Many thanks to those women who came along and shared their thoughts and feelings.  We were talking about managing stress and how sometimes sleeplessness is a problem.  I mentioned the five point plan that has worked for my children, I'm sure it's equally valid for adults too! 
1.  Get into a comfortable postiion.
2.  Close your eyes. 
3. Keep really still. 
4.  Listen to your breathing. 
5.  Count how long your breath is - both in and out.

Does anyone else have any tips for us either for sleeping, relaxing or managing stress?

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Plympton Well Being Club for April

With the next Well Being Club just around the corner I wonder how everyone has been coping with their exercise?  With the lovely weather I've been out on my bike more, the sun is a good motivator.  How about you?

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Plympton Well Being Clubs

We're into our third month of Well Being Clubs in Plympton and the next one is on 30th March.  It would be great to have some discussion around the topic of Diet and Nutrition.  I'd like to pose the question is there any diet out there that suits everyone?