Sunday, 6 March 2011

Plympton Well Being Clubs

We're into our third month of Well Being Clubs in Plympton and the next one is on 30th March.  It would be great to have some discussion around the topic of Diet and Nutrition.  I'd like to pose the question is there any diet out there that suits everyone?


  1. Over the last few years, we (at least the adults in our family...) have tried to stick fairly close to macrobiotic principles when cooking (rather than following a purely macrobiotic diet, which requires a lot of dedication). Because the list of ingredients used in such cooking are limited and consist largely of vegetables, grains and fish simply prepared, the food keeps its nutritional value, and we have also both lost weight without compromising our health. The drawback is that there isn't a lot of variety in flavours, textures, seasoning and the like and you have to educate your palate to expect more subtle flavours; maybe we need to become a bit more adventurous within the guidelines.

  2. I know this type of diet is good for me, but it is very samey: stews, soups and stirfry with monotonous regularity.

  3. It can seem that way. It takes a while to get used to not having lots of artifically sweetened or highly sweentened foods, stick with it the rewards are great as feel food tastes amazing.

  4. Just like to say that altho great to have a good 'diet', as in healthy, everyone is so different in body metabolism that what does for one might not be so great for another. A question of trial and error, knowing your body and the input if needed of a good nutritionist that has a grounding in wholistic therapy.
    But yes fresh food, nothing like it, the less additives the better.

  5. I don't really believe in diets as such, i believe its about finding out what suits your body,To find out how it reacts to different foods. Smaller portion sizes and trying a variety of food seems to work best in the long run. Also i believe exercise in conjunction with diet is very important.

  6. I believe nutrition is very personal to each individual...i.e the macrobiotic diet vs the raw diet, i believe fresh organic cooked food with some raw is the best we can give ourselves, and we do all deserve the best... however from experience, it is best not to get 'obsessive' with 'good' and 'bad' foods, we are who label it anyway... and as they say everythings good in moderation...

  7. What a fabulous website Janet - I'm really impressed and pleased to see the Well Being Club is taking off!

    If any of your members need any special dietary info for instance if coping with a food allergy or intolerance or medical diet, or even a lifestyle preference please make free use of my website and jsut ask if you need any specific guidance.
