Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Dawn French - one woman's inspiring story

I hope all you parents out there are coping OK with this challenging summer weather and managing to keep your charges happy and occupied.  I know it can be quite an ordeal and I'm filled with admiration when I see women (I know there are plenty of men doing this too but I've only seen women so far) trailing children around and still sounding positive!  We'll done!  It's not easy and you're doing a great job!

A book that is also really inspiring me at the moment is 'Dear Fatty' by Dawn French.  I was really moved by this passage where Dawn recalls her dad's words as she is about to embark on her first teenage party.  He reveals that she nearly died as a baby and speaking as he would have spoken she continues:

It was then we knew that having a baby girl, having you, completed our little family.  That's all we ever wanted.  The four of us together forever.  We had so much to look forward to, so much to learn.  So much to do, so much fun to have...  You and your brother are our life, our reason and our happiness. We adore you both and we feel blessed to have you, and to witness you grow into the remarkable young people you are becoming.  You are both so impressive! Truly, you are our world, our joy.  Never forget what a treasure you are and if your faith in that ever wobbles, have a look in the mirror and have confidence in what you see.  You are a rare thing, an uncommon beauty, a dazzling, exquisite, splendid young woman.  Look!  You must know it's true, you're a corker.  How lucky any boy would be to have you on his arm.  They should fight tournaments to win your affection, they should kill for your favour.  Don't dare be grateful for their attentions, you utterly deserve it and more than that, you deserve the very best.  Don't think for one second you should settle for other people's rejects.  You are the princess, you are the prize, so be choosy and take your time.  You decide how, when and where not them.  They will wait.  Of course they will.  Who wouldn't wait for someone so priceless?  There is no one better.  Know this: if anything ever happened to you, Moo, our lives would fall apart, we would be devastated and this family would never be the same again.  So you must take care of yourself, you must guard against danger. When you are out of this house it is up to you to protect yourself, your reputation and your dignity. We love you and we need you.

I think this is amazing!  I really wish my mum or dad had said something like this to me and I am certainly passing these sentiments on to my children. Thanks Dawn!  I'm really, really enjoying this book, it is so warm and brings back so many fond memories.


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